I have not yet decided what I want to be when I grow up. I figure that I am 1) only 22 and 2) that I shouldn't have to decide yet. My oats are not only the tamest oats around, they have yet to be sown! I have a general idea, however, that my life path will not involve me having a Scrooge McDuck-style money room where I can go for a swim in all my gold coins. Because I would like to think of myself as a democrat, I have made peace with the fact that I do not need to be super rich and can live a relatively simple life and pay my taxes for the good of the people. On the other hand, I am a 22-year-old girl who still swoons over pictures of male celebrities without their shirts on. I'm not above paying 10 bucks to see a movie for this reason (I am about to buy G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra on DVD). Sometimes, I'm just to fancy to think about having to grocery shop and save money and not buy things I don't need (I stand by the tap shoe purchase though. TRIPLE TIME STEP 5-6-7-8!!!) This trait means that I often fantasize about what I would do if I were to, say, marry a celebrity and go from Little Orphan (drunk) Annie to Richie Rich. I tried to compile a list of things I would like if I were rich dot com. Only, this list turned out to mirror the plot of Blank Check (a slide from the 2nd floor of the mansion into the pool, go-kart track and so on and so forth). I do wonder what it would be like to date a celebrity though. After much deliberation, I narrowed it down to 2 things that I really fantasize about doing with an impossibly wealthy boyfriend.
1) I would like this to happen:

2) I want us to do things like this:

I am, after all, low maintenance
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